Friday, March 22, 2013

Woodlawn Trustees Property

places where you won't be able to wipe the wag off your dog's tail - Talleyville DE

The Park
From 1850 until 1910, feldspar, used in porcelain dishes and false teeth, was mined here in the Woodlawn Quarry. You can still see the remains of these spar pits, with their scatterings of mica and other minerals. In 1910, as his campaign to preserve the Brandywine Valley intensified, William Poole Bancroft bought hundreds of pristine acres in the lush floodplain and rolling woodlands where the Brandywine Creek makes three wide, gentle turns. Bancroft formed the Woodlawn Company to manage these lands, harboring some of the oldest trees in Delaware. Today, more than 2,000 acres are open to the public for recreational use - one of the greatest private gifts to canine hikers to be found anywhere.

The Walks
Many miles and many hours of canine hiking through an enticing mix of open fields and mature forests. Can also continue into Pennsylvania through active farms and long-gone homesteads. Watch for horses and bikes. No maps or navigational aids so come with a mind to explore.

Where The Paw Meets The Earth: Mostly dirt; some old farm roads
Workout For Your Dog - Hilly terrain
Swimming - The Brandywine Creek is wonderful
Restrictions On Dogs - None

Something Extra
Breaking out of the woods at several points on the hilltops you are greeted with splendid views of Granogue, one of the American castles dotting the Brandywine Valley’s chateau lands.

Phone - None
Website - None
Admission Fee - None
Directions - Talleyville, New Castle County; there are no highway signs to direct you here and the parking lots are not marked. The main parking lot is opposite Peters Rock along the Brandywine on Creek Road. Other gravel lots can be found on Ramsey Road, Beaver Valley Road and opposite Woodlawn Road on Thompson’s Bridge Road (Route 92). Parking also in Brandywine Commons on Route 202.

The Hiking With Dogs group on Facebook is the place to post photos and info on your favorite canine hikes. Also get questions answered and find advice from members: join now

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