Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Chesapeake Arboretum

places where you won't be able to wipe the wag off your dog's tail - Chesapeake VA

The Park
In 1985, Abby Hughes and Wade Long, both Chesapeake Master Gardeners, hatched a plan for a city arboretum that would be a cross between a botanical garden and natural classroom. For years the nonprofit Chesapeake Arboretum Inc. searched for a suitable location but it wasn’t until 1996, thanks to a recent city ordinance requiring developers to dedicate natural features in exchange for the ability to build higher concentrations of homes. Just such a natural area was preserved in Oak Grove along a meandering stream and the 47-acre Chesapeake Arboretum became a reality. Most of the property survives in a mature hardwood forest but 5 acres have been dedicated to demonstration and research gardens.

The Walks
The Chesapeake Arboretum group wanted a location in a residential area that would afford easy access to the most people and they certainly found it. This linear park stretches for more than one mile, squeezed in between thousands of homes. Step ten paces off the trail at almost any time and your dog is liable to find himself in someone’s backyard. But the magic of this place is that you never know it on your canine hike. The woods are so thick and varied - you could spend hours trying to locate the 100 or so identified species of trees and bushes - that you feel as if you are in a much larger woodland. The richness of the flora promotes almost a tunnel effect in places where the trails narrow. Your dog will find the going easy on soft dirt and woodchip paths. All the terrain in the Arboretum is flat. For the most part the trail works along both sides of the brook for a total loop of over two miles. But the water is crossed by five bridges so you can give your dog any length of outing here.

Where The Paw Meets The Earth: A detailed trail map is available at the parking lot kiosk.
Workout For Your Dog - Up to an hour or more is possible.
Swimming - A neighborhood retaining pond located on the east side of the trail will do the trick. It is not pretty but your dog won’t notice on a hot day.
Restrictions On Dogs - Dogs are welcome in the Arboretum and poop bags are provided.

Something Extra
The Chesapeake Arboretum office resides in an early 18-century farmhouse. Around the farmhouse are several theme gardens anchored by shade trees. Over by the parking lot give your dog a chance to sniff the antique rose garden.

Phone - (757) 382-7060
Website - http://www.chesapeakearboretum.com
Admission Fee - None
Directions - Chesapeake; From I-64 take Exit 290 a/b for Battlefield Boulevard (Route 168) South for 2.25 miles to Gainsborough Square. Turn left at the light and continue .2 miles until the road ends. Turn left onto Oak Grove Road and another immediate left into the Arboretum parking lot at 624 Oak Grove Road.

The Hiking With Dogs group on Facebook is the place to post photos and info on your favorite canine hikes. Also get questions answered and find advice from members: join now

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